INtegrated SImulations using Exascale Multiphysics Ensembles (INSIEME)
October 1, 2020
The US Department of Energy NNSA announced the award of a 5-years, $16.5M Multi-disciplinary Simulation Center at Stanford within the framework of the Predictive Science Academic Alliance Program (PSAAP III).The objective of the INSIEME project under PSAAP III is to exploit exascale computing systems to predict a complex multi-physics phenomenon with combined innovations in task-based programming, runtime environments, physical models, numerical algorithms, data analysis, learning at scale and uncertainty quantification. The overarching problem is the prediction of reliability of in-space ignition of cryogenic methane and liquid oxygen propellants in a rocket combustor by using pulsed high-energy lasers. The problem involves a broad set of physical phenomena, including multiphase compressible fluid dynamics, laser-induced energy deposition, phase change, turbulence, mixing and combustion.
The Center is expected to start its operations before the end of 2020 and will involve 11 Faculty on campus in the Departments of Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, Aeronautics and Astronautics and the Institute for Computational Mathematical Engineering and collaborators for Purdue University and Colorado University at Boulder.
The project continues an uninterrupted investment that DOE has made at Stanford during the last 20 years to develop multidisciplinary computational science and foster collaborations between engineers and computer scientists to combine innovations in algorithms, physics simulations and programming models.- The official press release on Stanford Engineering News
- For more info please contact the Center Director >>> Gianluca Iaccarino >>> Email: jops at stanford dot edu